The only catch is--we have ONE DAY to hit this goal--Tuesday, October 12th. But--I know it won't be a problem, because we can book SALE A BRATION PARTIES!!! So start thinking about what days and times would work for you, mid-January through the end of March!
You can also schedule any time before January as well. We're having a HUGE HOLIDAY MINI BUNDLE BLOWOUT starting October 19th, in which selections of Holiday Mini merchandise that coordinate with each other will be offered together at a discount! This special runs through December 16th, so it's a great time to have a party and capitalize on everyone's need to get Christmas cards and gifts made and in the mail.
So I'll be doing my part! And because I have a phone phobia, I decided I'm going to do something to make you VERY GLAD I called you on October 12th! Here's the deal: if you mention the codeword in this post to me before I ask you about setting up your annual Sale A Bration party, you will recieve a free single stamp of your choice on the date of your show (background stamps not included). You can view these stamps in the Idea Book, pages 18-20. Here's a few of my favorites!

The codeword is: FALL
So plan to book your show on October 12th, and either email me with the codeword if you're not going to be home during the day or make sure you mention it first when I call you. I will be pulling your phone numbers randomly and calling all day long!
Don't forget--think FALL, and have a date in mind for when I call you!!
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